
  • Install the package from PyPI.
pip install django-athm
  • Add the package to your INSTALLED_APPS and configure the needed settings in your

DJANGO_ATHM_PUBLIC_TOKEN = 'your-public-token'
DJANGO_ATHM_PRIVATE_TOKEN = 'your-private-token'
  • Create the model tables for storing ATH Móvil transactions and items.
python migrate
  • Add the default callback function to your root urls:
    urlpatterns = [
        path("athm/", include("django_athm.urls", namespace="django_athm")),
  • In your views, pass a ATHM_CONFIG (or whichever key you prefer) to the context:
def your_view(request):
    context = {
        "ATHM_CONFIG": {
            "theme": "btn",
            "language": "es",
            "total": 25.0,
            "subtotal": 24.0,
            "tax": 1.0,
            "metadata_1": "This is metadata 1",
            "items": [
                    "name": "First Item",
                    "description": "This is a description.",
                    "quantity": "1",
                    "price": "24.00",
                    "tax": "1.00",
                    "metadata": "metadata test",

    return render(request, "your-template.html", context=context)
  • In the related templates where you wish to display the Checkout button, load and invoke the athm_button custom tag along with your ATHM config from the previous step.
{% load django_athm %} {% athm_button ATHM_CONFIG %}

NOTE: You must have jQuery loaded in your Django template BEFORE you use the athm_button tag.

You can use the following snippet, placing it somewhere above the athm_button tag:

<script src=""></script>

Also, make sure that the CSRF token tag is available in your template. You may need to decorate your views with @requires_csrf_token.

  • The user clicks on button rendered by your template and then uses the ATH Móvil app to pay the business associated to the public and private tokens you set up in

  • This package will perform a POST ajax request on success or failure to the callback view. This will persist the transaction and items in your database.

  • You can obtain your transactions and items from the database:

from django_athm.models import ATHM_Transaction, ATHM_Items

my_transactions = ATHM_Transaction.objects.all()
my_items = ATHM_Items.objects.all()
  • Admin actions are available as well! You can refund transactions directly from the Django Admin interface.

  • If you would like to synchronize your database with transactional data from ATH Móvil, you can use the athm_sync management command:

$ python athm_sync --start "2020-01-01 00:00:00" --end "2020-02-05 12:30:00"